Studierende mit Dozentin am Schreibtisch

Study-integrated German courses

Internationale Student*innen, die bereits im Fachstudium sind, und Gastwissenschaftler*innen können ihre Deutschkenntnisse in den angebotenen Fachsprachekursen auf einem hohen Niveau (C1 und C2) verbessern.

Our courses are the following:

  • • German for students in the humanities (always in the summer semester)

  • • German for students of history and political sciences (always in the winter semester)

  • • German for students in natural sciences and engineering (always in the summer semester)

  • • German for students of economics (always in the winter semester)

  • • German C2 Part a: Everyday Language and Professional Language (in the winter semester)

  • • German C2 Part b: Everyday Language and Academic Language (in the summer semester)

  • • After you completed German C2 part a and b and passed the module examination, you will receive the certificate confirming level C2.

FAQ Study-integrated German courses

The courses take place during the lecture period and last for 12 weeks. Classes are held two or four times a week.

The course fees are between 10.00 euro and 20.00 euro per course and semester.

A successfully completed German Language Test for University Admission (DSH) or  any other successfully completed language test which is recognised as being equivalent to the DSH are a prerequisite for participating in the study-integrated German courses.

Yes, you can gain between two and four credit points for giving a presentation and handing in two written assignments. Please ask the examination office responsible for your study programme whether you can be allocated credits for the course or not.

Contact details


Gaußstraße 20

D-42119 Wuppertal

Email: audio[at]

Telephone: +49 2 02 439 5265 (only in the morning)

Telephone: +49 2 02 439 3304

Follow us on Instagram @sli_buw


Office hours

By telephone:

Mon - Thu: 09:00 am - 12:00 noon & 01:00 pm - 03:00 pm

Fri: 09:00 am - 12:00 noon

Personal appointments in room S.09.06:

Mon, Wed, Fri: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon

ZOOM meetings:

By appointment

via ajohn[at]

ID: 997 6879 8426

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